Chronic Disease Management

Primary Care & Med Spa located in Las Vegas, NV

Chronic Disease Management

Nearly half of the American population lives with a chronic disease that requires ongoing expert medical care. Visiting Medical Clinic, LLC, offers comprehensive chronic disease management services for adults in the Las Vegas, Nevada, office, and your home, who need help managing diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic health conditions. Call the Visiting Medical Clinic, LLC, office near you today to schedule a chronic disease management consultation or book an appointment online.

What is chronic disease management?

Chronic disease management involves medical services to diagnose, treat, and manage medical conditions that affect your health for a year or longer.

The goal of chronic disease management is to lower your risk factors for severe complications, including premature death, that chronic diseases cause.

Visiting Medical Clinic, LLC, provides chronic disease management services for adults in the Las Vegas office.

Amanda, a skilled family nurse practitioner, can also meet with individuals in the comfort of their own house during home visits or through an online telehealth platform.

When should I schedule a chronic disease management consultation?

Schedule a chronic disease management consultation at Visiting Medical Clinic, LLC, if you already have a diagnosis of a chronic health condition and need ongoing medical guidance.

You can also schedule a diagnostic evaluation for a variety of diseases if you have unusual symptoms. As a primary care provider, Amanda can screen for chronic conditions like:

  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • Heart disease

If your evaluation reveals a chronic illness or disorder, Amanda customizes a chronic disease management plan to your needs. She focuses on strategies to optimize your current health and lower your risk for disability and other life-altering disease complications.

What can I expect during my first chronic disease management visit?

During your initial chronic disease management appointment at Visiting Medical Clinic, LLC, you meet with Amanda in the office, at your home, or online to discuss your needs. She reviews your personal and family medical history, current health, and any treatments you use to manage a chronic health issue.

Amanda also completes a physical exam to assess your wellness. If you’re already taking medications or have new symptoms, she may order bloodwork or other diagnostic testing.

Your personalized chronic disease management plan may use one or more strategies to keep your condition well-controlled, such as:

  • Lifestyle changes
  • Diet improvements
  • Regular exercise
  • Medications

Amanda can also refer you to specialists for additional care. For instance, if you’re having difficulties moving your joints because of arthritis, she may recommend physical therapy.

During follow-up visits, Amanda continues to monitor your progress with treatment. She can adjust and refill prescriptions and provide additional resources you can use to stay healthy.

Call the Visiting Medical Clinic, LLC, office near you today to schedule a chronic disease management consultation or book an appointment online.